
Install Par on your system.

Prerequisite: Erlang/OTP 20

Par requires you to have Erlang/OTP 20 or higher installed. To install it:

  • Mac OSX: brew install erlang
  • Ubuntu/Debian: apt-get install erlang
  • Fedora: yum install erlang
  • FreeBSD: pkg install erlang
  • Windows: Binaries available on the Erlang download page
  • More ways to install can be found on the Erlang download page

Make sure you can run the erl command from your shell.

Editor plugins

These plugins add syntax highlighting for Par code.

  • Vim
  • If you'd like to see your editor here, please consider contributing! We'd love to help you get started; just let us know if you'd like to help out in our Gitter chat.

Par for Mac OSX and Linux

Download the zip archive, extract it, and move the par folder into /usr/local/. You should now have a /usr/local/par folder with two subdirectories: lib and bin.

Add /usr/local/par/bin to your PATH environment variable by putting the following into your shell's configuration file (e.g. .bash_profile).

export PATH="$PATH:/usr/local/par/bin"

Reload your configuration by starting a new shell or by using the source command (e.g. source ~/.bash_profile), and you should be able to run par.

If you'd like to put the Par files somewhere other than /usr/local/par, you can do so, but you'll need to set the PAR_ROOT environment variable to the new directory location.

Par for Windows

Download the zip archive, extract it, and move the par folder into C:\. You should now have a C:\par folder with two subdirectories: lib and bin.

Add C:\par\bin to your PATH environment variable, and you should be able to run par.

If you'd like to put the Par files somewhere other than C:\par, you can do so, but you'll need to set the PAR_ROOT environment variable to the new directory location.